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News: FAIRDOM-SEEK version 1.15.0 released

May 17, 2024

We are pleased to announce a new version of FAIRDOM-SEEK is now available, which is version 1.15.0

This is a large new version, and highlights include:

  • Licenses have now been updated to be linked to SPDX license identifiers, with support for more open source licences.
  • A sitemap.xml is generated for all public content, improving indexing by the main search engines, and support for Bioschemas scraping.
  • Duplicate Samples that occur when extracted from a template are now detected and warning is given.
  • Allowing free text for Controlled Vocabulary sample attributes, which can be set as allowed for the attribute as part of a defined Sample Type.
  • Controlled Vocabulary performance improvements, both the user interface and backend, to allow one to be populated from a large number of terms from an ontology.
  • Ontology based Controlled Vocabulary’s can now be populated from multiple root nodes of the ontology hierarchy.
  • Performance improvements when deleting items, especially large numbers of samples deleted at the same time as the source DataFile.
  • Performance improvements to several of the background jobs that run, and also optimisations to the order and priority that they run and number that get created.
  • Automatic approval of Project requests for the site-managed programme can now be set as a configuration option.
  • RDA Data Management Plan Common Standard support, which can now be used to populate a Project.
  • Fix to LS Login authentication configuration.
  • Generic OpenID Connect can now be be configured to use as an alternative authentication mechanism.
  • Nested Extended metadata has had some UI improvements, allowing sub sections to be expanded and collapsed and easier to differentiate.
  • Extended Metadata read and write API has been extended and documented, along with read API’s for finding information about the Extended Metadata Types.
  • Wild cards in search queries are now supported, supporting ‘*‘ for a group of characters, and ’?’ for a single character. e.g ?orwe*n to match Norwegian.
  • Mysql 8 is now the recommended database to use, and our default Docker compose files have been updated and tested, together with testing switching existing installations. Mysql 5.7 had an issue with reusing primary keys after a crash, causing some problems in certain scenarios.
  • DataHub is now approaching its first production release, and this version includes two particular hightlights:
    • Single Page view for visualising experiments.
    • Creation of ISA-JSON compliant experiments using Experiment Sample Templates.

… and much more.

More details about what changes are included can be found in the 1.15.0 Release Notes.

Details on installing SEEK can be found in our Documentation, at – including running with Docker.

The upgrade guide can be found in the usual place at

Details on upgrading for Docker can be found on the page We recommend switching to MySQL 8 by updating your Docker compose file. Whilst it upgrades the mysql database files, there will be a slight delay when it first starts, and will log WAITING FOR MYSQL for longer than usual.