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Project: deCYPher

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Overview of the deCYPher project

The deCYPher project uses advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and synthetic biology to find better ways of producing flavonoids and terpenoids—natural compounds found in plants that are important for making medicines and health supplements. Traditional methods of getting these compounds are expensive and only work for a few types. deCYPher’s goal is to create a new, more sustainable and cost-effective way to produce these plant compounds, ensuring a steady supply. The project started in January 2024 and is a four-year collaboration between 10 international partners, funded by the Horizon Europe program.

Data management and the role of DataHub

To support the application of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), the deCYPher consortium utilizes the DataHub platform, an instance of FAIRDOM-SEEK. DataHub provides a powerful metadata management system that brings together diverse data types, such as experimental conditions, multi-omics approaches, and structural information. This platform ensures that all project data is consistently documented and easily accessible, improving collaboration, data sharing, and the reproducibility of research within the consortium.

Additionally, DataHub’s capabilities for quality assessment and metadata export in structured formats, such as CSV and ISA-JSON, enable seamless data integration and analysis. This not only streamlines data management but also data readiness for AI/ML. As a result, DataHub serves as a critical link between dry-lab and wet-lab partners, facilitating smooth data exchange between laboratory experiments and computational analyses using AI/ML techniques.


In summary, DataHub’s involvement in the deCYPher project aims to enhance the project’s ability to manage, share, and reuse data effectively. This collaboration ensures that deCYPher’s research outputs are not only high-quality but also accessible and reusable, fostering a collaborative and innovative scientific community.

More information

For more information, please visit the website.