Meet other FAIRDOM users
FAIRDOM organizes user meetings twice a year. The purpose of the FAIRDOM user meetings is to establish an active FAIRDOM user community to allow networking between various FAIRDOM-SEEK users and to learn from data management experiences in different research projects.
Engage with ELIXIR communities
BioHackathon is the hackathon run by ELIXIR, the European ESFRI Infrastructure for Bioinformatics. de.NBI, the organisation behind the German node of ELIXIR runs a similar set of hackathons. FAIRDOM is typically involved in several projects of these hackathons each year.
The Systems Biology Community of ELIXIR is the community of systems biology experts within the infrastructure ELIXIR. It coordinates work done within ELIXIR to interlink and harmonize infrastructure for models, software and data. The overarching long-term goal of the ELIXIR Systems Biology Community is to make systems biology modelling a central pillar of research in biology.
From 2012 to 2018 we ran four “foundry” meetings with practitioners in support delivery for systems biology all over Europe, to exchange ideas and practices, to share software and to interoperate systems where useful to do so. We did not continue these meetings as we found the grounds of the foundry meetings is covered by two sets of activities, the Systems Biology Community in ELIXIR that covers the conceptual aspects of systems biology infrastructure, and the Biohackathons that help increasing interaction of systems biology infrastructure around concrete projects.
From 2011 to 2022, FAIRDOM PALs were “front line” experimentalists, modellers and bioinformaticians from each of the projects we work with. They acted as our advocates and communicate our progress back to their projects. Today, we encourage advocacy through our dedicated community channels and regular meetings. For more about PALs, see the PALs presentations.