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Project: PlaSMo, Plant Systems-biology Modelling

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FAIRDOM provides an opportunity for research project databases to continue to be available long after their original grants have ended. By migrating a database to FAIRDOMHub, open research, data sharing and data re-use can continue to be offered.

PlaSMo stands for ‘Plant Systems-biology Modelling’ and the PlaSMo model repository was envisioned by the plant systems biology community in 2005 with the initial funding lasting until 2010. The team devised an exit strategy to address the sustainability of the PlaSMo repository and preservation of its data. Data was migrated to the public FAIRDOMHub repository using secured funding. The migration became feasible following the introduction of the FAIRDOM-SEEK write API.

More information

Visit the PlaSMo model repository and the PlaSMo project description on FAIRDOMHub.

For more details about the migration strategy, please see the paper: Zielinski T, Hay J, Millar AJ. The grant is dead, long live the data - migration as a pragmatic exit strategy for research data preservation. Wellcome Open Res. 2019 Sep 23;4:104. doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15341.2. PMID: 31363499; PMCID: PMC6652102.