The main content uses Markdown, and here is a Basic Syntax Guide
Navigation Menu
The side bar navigation menu is determined by a data definition, found at _data/sidebars/main.yml
General pages should be placed in the “pages/” folder, and by default will adopt the page layout.
The layout can be overridden with another layout if defined in the front-matter (the bit at the top between ---
The front-matter for Pages should look like:
title: This is the title
e.g: - pages/about/
Note that the subfolder of the pages (in this case /about/) is discarded when created the url, so in this case points directly at
When editing a page, take a note of and don’t change any redirect_from definitions in the front-matter. These define a redirection from a page that existed on the old site, that is linked to from another website.
News items should be placed in the “_news/” folder, with the filename prefixed with the date stamp, following ISO 8601 Calendar Date - YYYY-MM-DD . This defines the date for the news item, and also helps keep the files in order. The rest of the filename should be a short piece of text that summarised the news item.
News will automatically adopt the news layout unless overridden.
You can optionally set the date in the front-matter to override the date specified by the filename - useful if correcting a date in the future without breaking the URL.
If you wish to provide an image then set the image to the relative path of the image file.
The front-matter for News could look like
title: This is the news
date: 2020-02-16
image: "/images/news/elixir-logo.png"
An example is _news/
Events should be placed in the “_events/” folder, with the filename prefixed with the date stamp, following ISO 8601 Calendar Date - YYYY-MM-DD . This defines the post date for the event item, and also helps keep the files in order.. The rest of the filename should be a short piece of text that summarised the event.
The event front-matter is a bit more complicated and looks like:
title: FAIRDOM PALs User Meeting 2019
start_date: 2019-07-18
end_date: 2019-07-19
location: HITs
date: 2019-02-24
The title and start_date are mandatory, and both the start and end date should follow the YYYY-MM-DD format. The end_date is optional and if missing would indicate a 1 day event.
If you wish to specify a specific start time, you can put this in the body of the Event description.
The location is optional, and if you wish to provide a URL for the location (also optional), you can specify the location_url
Like with news - the date is optional and overrides the post date defined by the file prefix.
An example is /_events/